2410, 2017

Personal Training – The General Public & Athletes

I have 5 personal training sessions today on top of 6 classes. I programme specifically for each client, usually working it in 2-3 week blocks. Every 2-3 weeks the programming is re-assessed, aiming to constantly improve the training and optimise results. I am currently working on another 3 week phase for my client Hil who primarily strength trains. We work off a split of Squat, Push and Pull based sessions, [...]

2310, 2017

The Ideal Chair & Desk Set Up

Chair & Desk Setup While the key to keeping your body in good health is movement, sometimes it just isn’t feasible to maintain the optimal amount of physical activity. It’s therefore important that you have your desk and chair set up in a way that at least tries to minimise the negative effects of desk posture. 1.      Use a standing desk if you can, with your eyes in line with [...]

2210, 2017

Train Anti-Rotation for a Strong Core

The primary action of the core is to provide stability. Therefore, you must first and foremost train your ability to resist the forces that are going to be applying stress to your spine. There is some controversy around sit-up type exercises, which stems from the fact that repeated bending and twisting of the spine can result in the intervertebral disc fibres cracking and delamination occurring. However, there are many ways [...]

2010, 2017

Runners Prehab Programme

I have been putting a runners prehab programme together. It will be completely FREE when you register your email on the 5S website (so we can send it to you... don't worry, I don't have the time to send you spam, wish I did). Numerous studies show that a high percentage of both novice and professional runners are in pain or suffering from injuries as a direct result of the [...]

1910, 2017

The Superior Plank

The RKC Plank A common point I hear being made is "once you can plank for a minute with ease, you need to progress the exercise". In my opinion, if you are planking with ease, then you are not properly engaging your core musculature. My go to front plank variation is the RKC Plank. The RKC plank is named after the Russian Kettlebell Challenge by Pavel Tsatsouline, a famous Russian [...]


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