Really happy with how the Fix Your Posture book launch went, got best seller in Amazon in a few categories.
My 2nd book Strength & Mobility Exercises For Runners has been full edited, and is currently in the process of being formatted ready for publishing.
Blue is by far my favourite colour (as you can tell by the way I branded 5S Fitness), and I loved how the Fix Your Posture cover came out. However, the plan with future books is to use the same format, but with a different colour schemes (and obviously different pictures relating to the subject).
We have gone for green for the running book, and I can’t wait to release it (I’ll release a picture on here once I get the final copy).
The green colour, combined with the picture we have selected works perfectly! I think it takes the title of best cover so far (only out of two), but I’m sure we will beat it with future covers (I have a great idea for the fighters book, which I want to use a red colour scheme).
I also wrote two short books over the Christmas period. The titles are not confirmed, but will be something along the lines of:
- Top 20 Biceps Exercises
- Top 15 Triceps Exercises
These short books will be released at a very low cost, with an aim of building my email subscriber list. I am not sure if these books will be released in paperback (just kindle and PDF). However, I’m really happy with the content and it would be great to get a small paperback copy of each.
When it comes to the covers of these books, it’s pretty much going to have to be a picture of huge biceps, and a picture of shredded triceps.
Looking forward to seeing these projects come together.
Thanks for reading