Have a try of my workout today focused primarily on strength in the posterior chain, core and a final intensity session at the end aimed at improving anaerobic function. The main lift is done at a percentage of 1 rep max. Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) gives you more flexibility with the weights, the scale runs from 6 – 10, 6 being a working set (comfortable weight) 10 being a max. 9 would be a weight that you could DEFINITELY get one more rep out, a 9.5 would be MAYBE one more rep.
Deadlift : 4 x 4 @ 75%. 1 x 2 @ 85%. 1 x 2 @ 95%. 1 x 8+ @ 75%.
Snatch Pulls Above Knee : 2 x 6 @ RPE 9 (Definitely one more)
Plank : Accumulate 2 minutes with a 20kg weight plate.
Split Stance Good Mornings : 2 x 6 @ RPE 8 (Definitely 2 more)
Wide Grip Pull Ups : 3 x 5 Weighted.
Tabata Row : Rowing machine. Tabata protocol (4 minutes of 20 secs work, followed by 10 seconds rest.) Record total distance rowed as a target to beat next time.
Any questions feel free email or post comments on the 5S facebook page. Happy lifting!