5S FacilityWe are looking to expand in the near future to a much larger fitness facility in Macclesfield (200osqft+) The new 5S Facility will be based around the ideas of Functional Fitness and Strength & Metabolic Conditioning just like our current Facility.

(Also catering for Endurance / Obstacle Race training)

New features will include a huge open plan training area (+Artificial Grass section for sledge pushes / Sprints) Surrounded by fitness rigs / squat racks and filled with free weight and competition grade equipment:

(The new facility will also house the 5S Sports Therapy / Sports Rehabilitation Clinics)


  • Olympic bars
  • Bumper plates
  • Dumbbells
  • Competition Kettlebells
  • Strongman Equipment
  • Slam Balls / Medicine Balls / Wall Balls
  • Resistance Bands / Speed, Agility, Quickness Equipment / Sledges & Drag Bags / Battle Ropes / Tyres & Sledge Hammers / TRX

Our Advanced Personal Trainers, Sports Therapists and Strength & Conditioning Coaches will be taking personal training, private group, and sports therapy sessions 7 days a week at the facility and the new 5S Classes will be open to all 5S Facility members.

5S Fitness Macclesfield –  Aiming to deliver the highest standard of Physical Training, Sports Therapy & Nutrition!