December has definitely seen a lot more cancellations from clients (Mainly as a result of Christmas parties and works do’s) However the 5S Facility and Sports Therapy Clinic in Macclesfield is Still fully booked every evening going into the New Year, so I will be looking at utilizing the other 5S coaches to take on more personal training, private group and sports massage sessions when the new years resolutions start to take effect.
The New 5S Facility in Macclesfield will allow for gym members to use the facility throughout the day and large scale classes will take place 4 times a day (HIIT & Metcon / Strength & Conditioning)… Providing a facility large enough to cater for the growing number of people who want to take their training to the next level!
It amazes me everyday just how capable clients of all ages and backgrounds are… Its not unusual to work with clients who have never exercised before, but with the right coaching anyone, regardless of age or limitations (Injuries/ailments) can take on a 5S session! (Every exercise/session can be changed, adapted, regressed or progressed to suit the clients needs.