There’s several lifts in the gym that come to mind when we want to predict values of strength. Some of the more obvious ones are the Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, Strict Press and all their variants. Then we have more niche lifts that measure power as well as strength. Obvious ones in this category are the Push Press, Clean and Snatch variants. We can even ditch the barbell and look at Kettlebell work or the more specialised strongman style equipment, looking at the Log Press, Atlas Stones, Farmers Walk and so on.
What about two lifts that are more discreet, more refined. Both very basic, its a safe bet that the majority of gym goers have done or at least attempted them, yet should be a staple in any mass building program or hypertrophy phase of a strength program. These two lifts are the Pull Up/Chin Up and the Parallel Bar Dips.
When was the last time you saw anyone in the gym hoisting up a good bit of weight and grinding out rep after rep? You probably see a lot of half arsed attempts at reps with the average gym bro kicking his legs up, curling up like a worm on a hook desperate to get his chin up over the edge. When was the last time you seen a weight belt with a chain attached? I brought one when I was 14 when my mother dragged me to the gym, in order to help drain the testosterone from my adolescent body otherwise I was just a nightmare when I got back from school. I still have it now and as a matter of fact, used it to crank out some heavy weight, high rep dips today.
Do yourself a favor. Bring these old favorites back to your training. You will notice a marked difference very quickly and yes they are hard, but your not in the gym for an easy time, are you?
To understand the full benefits and why I rate these so much, check out my article by the same title, Lifts That Don’t Lie! For now, lift big.