21 01, 2016

Snowboarding Specific S&C Programme

By |2024-02-23T09:34:44+00:00January 21st, 2016|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Snowboarding Specific S&C Programme

Been developing a Snowboarding specific Strength & Conditioning programme for a client today. The programme is designed to be carried out in the clients own home and involves body weight training aimed at building strength & stability in the legs and core.    

19 01, 2016

Endurance Race Training

By |2024-02-23T09:34:44+00:00January 19th, 2016|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Endurance Race Training

Endurance Races involving obstacles are becoming ever more popular and training up for these events acts as a perfect training incentive. (Not having a clear goal is often the defining factor in whether someone keeps up the hard work, or decides to "sack it in") Here at 5S Fitness we take a more educated look at how [...]

18 01, 2016

Some New Online Coaching Packages!

By |2024-02-23T09:34:45+00:00January 18th, 2016|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Some New Online Coaching Packages!

As said in earlier 5S Blogs we have been working on some new Online Coaching Packages such as the 6 & 12 week 5S Nutrition Packages and the 5S Tactical Athlete Package. The 5S Nutrition Packages will be tailored specifically to each clients individual needs and goals. The 5S Tactical Athlete Packages will be programmed according to which [...]

17 01, 2016

Sunday Meal Prep

By |2024-02-23T09:34:45+00:00January 17th, 2016|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Sunday Meal Prep

This Sundays Meal Prep - 2 Hours work for a full 5 days meals (Excluding Breakfast which we make fresh each morning) Our Online Nutrition Packages will be in stock soon... Tailored nutritional plans, programmed to meet the needs of each individual client. We are also currently developing our 5S E-Cookbook - Full of all our [...]

17 01, 2016

New 5S Tactical Athlete Training Programmes – Coming Soon!

By |2024-02-23T09:34:45+00:00January 17th, 2016|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on New 5S Tactical Athlete Training Programmes – Coming Soon!

Here at 5S we have established a very niche market catering for the development of what we have branded as Tactical Athletes. This service caters for the wide breadth of uniformed forces both international and domestic, that require either an arduous selection process or that simply require the employee to maintain fitness and strength as [...]

17 01, 2016

Test Yourself

By |2024-02-23T09:34:45+00:00January 17th, 2016|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Test Yourself

Next training week fire these assessments of lower body and upper body strength, core strength and endurance, anaerobic capacity and lower body power to see where your at and how you shape up!   Monday : Bench Press 1RM. Front Squat 1RM. Max Pull Ups (3 attempts) Tuesday : Back Squat 1RM. 2.4KM Best Effort [...]

16 01, 2016

The 3 Genuine Diets

By |2024-02-23T09:34:45+00:00January 16th, 2016|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on The 3 Genuine Diets

There are so many diets out there, some that work, others that just plain insult peoples intelligence. You can however categorise all of them into 3 main simple types that'll largely help you understand what these diets will do for you. Hypo-caloric, Iso-caloric and Hyper-caloric. Hypo-caloric Hypo, a prefix meaning 'beneath' or 'below', means your [...]

15 01, 2016

Working the Back!

By |2024-02-23T09:34:45+00:00January 15th, 2016|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Working the Back!

Three Personal Training sessions tonight in the 5S Facility in Macclesfield, one of which is geared to developing the back (Specifically Upper Back) Starting with one of the Big 5 - Bent Over Row and progressing onto many other lift variations for training the back: Bent Over Row - Over / Under Grasp Grip (Bar) T-Bar [...]

13 01, 2016

Online Coaching – Nutritional Programmes

By |2024-02-23T09:34:45+00:00January 13th, 2016|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Online Coaching – Nutritional Programmes

Currently finalising our 5S Nutritional Packages (Incorporating many of our own healthy recipes) We will be offering 6 & 12 week programmes which will be specifically tailored to meet each clients individual needs and goals. The Nutritional Packages will make an ideal add on to the 5S Training Packages... Helping you to achieve the best results!  


Bringing Strength & Conditioning to the masses!
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