About James Skelham

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So far James Skelham has created 29 blog entries.
20 06, 2016

Jungle Training… 5S Style!

By |2024-02-23T09:34:41+00:00June 20th, 2016|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Jungle Training… 5S Style!

So in the wake of leaving a job very close to my heart, I finished my last few days soldiering in the very first place I started this time 8 years ago and I forgot what an absolute nightmare of a place that is! I love travelling, culture, meeting new people and trying new things, [...]

11 04, 2016

The Value of Assistance Exercises : The Press

By |2024-02-23T09:34:41+00:00April 11th, 2016|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on The Value of Assistance Exercises : The Press

Just like the deadlift there is no where to hide with the strict press. Just like the deadlift there is no eccentric movement to prime and assist the muscles. And just like the deadlift you have to be immensely strong to put up some serious weight. Pressing a big weight overhead forces your entire musculature [...]

6 04, 2016

The Value of Assistance Exercises : Deadlift

By |2024-02-23T09:34:41+00:00April 6th, 2016|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on The Value of Assistance Exercises : Deadlift

Often debated against the squat as the king of all exercises, the deadlift will build transferable strength like no other. The kind of rate of force production required to pick up a heavy deadlift is quite unlike any other exercise, this is largely due in fact to the lack of the eccentric factor. Eccentric muscle [...]

5 04, 2016

The Value of Assistance Exercises : Bench Press

By |2024-02-23T09:34:41+00:00April 5th, 2016|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on The Value of Assistance Exercises : Bench Press

Alright if its squats for athletes, then its guaranteed to be bench for the gym rats. The most commonly available equipment in the free weights, the bench press has been slammed in the past for being the dreaded 'non-functional', however pushing is pushing, whether that's horizontal or vertical. The bench press is also a must when looking [...]

4 04, 2016

The Value of Assistance Exercises : Squat

By |2024-02-23T09:34:41+00:00April 4th, 2016|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on The Value of Assistance Exercises : Squat

Probably the number 1 lift the majority of athletes will be seeking to improve is the back squat. Assistance exercises for the squat warrants an entire article of itself, to address every particular weakness in a muscle group that therefor relates to a breakdown in form. Here I'm just going to give an overall broad [...]

18 02, 2016

Bulking Season: Where Most People Go Wrong

By |2024-02-23T09:34:44+00:00February 18th, 2016|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Bulking Season: Where Most People Go Wrong

The joys of bulking, eat what you want when you want. That's the premise of the 'see food, eat food' diet, unfortunately effective bulking isn't that simple, unless you want to put on a whole lot of fat in the process. No, I'm not talking about adding lean mass here, I'm talking about no holds bard, [...]

14 02, 2016

The Deadlift

By |2024-02-23T09:34:44+00:00February 14th, 2016|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on The Deadlift

Its very distinct. Through the mist of chalk being slapped on the hands you sense a feeling in the air that shits about to go down. Take a closer look and you will see 20kg plates stacked enough to outweigh a small car, with a thick, muscular back as wide as a barn door stood [...]

9 02, 2016

Conditioning Challenge 1.

By |2024-02-23T09:34:44+00:00February 9th, 2016|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on Conditioning Challenge 1.

Try this brutal, quick calorie burner that'll have you waking up in the morning wondering how it was ever possible for your traps and shoulders to be that sore.     Conditioning Challenge 1. 10 minute AMRAP Kettlebell snatches. Do not allow the kettle bell to touch the floor. The moment the weight touches the [...]

6 02, 2016

An Alternative Style of Hypertrophy

By |2024-02-23T09:34:44+00:00February 6th, 2016|Categories: Articles|Comments Off on An Alternative Style of Hypertrophy

When we think of hypertrophy or muscle building, most of us tend to think body building style programs, where the goal is to exhaust a particular muscle group through several different exercises with an absurd amount of reps to crank the volume up. For a change try to mix things up utilising all over compound movements, [...]


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