Those of us who have trained or competed in combat sports have all experienced individuals who seem to have concrete fists and shots that feel like you are being hit with a sledge hammer.

Genetics are a huge factor in this… Some individuals are simply born with the capacity to produce more power. However just like any component of fitness, power can be dramatically improved/increased.

Power is the result of “Strength x Speed” and this is where it can become quite difficult for a fighter to get the right balance… Too much strength training and the fighter will have reduced speed… Not enough strength training and the fighter is simply not going to be reaching their potential for power, as well as resulting in a fighter that is at greater risk of injury – Strength & Conditioning is the basis of robustness.

The key is to get the right periodization and programming… Here’s an example of how I would programme an initial 4 week cycle –  Implementing strength & Conditioning workouts in-between the specific programming already in place i.e. Pads, Bag work, Sparring, Conditioning sessions. These specific sessions working on the pads etc are going to facilitate huge neuromuscular adaptations and the fighters will see increases in power… Add strength training to this combined with explosive conditioning work and the fighters power will increase dramatically.

More sports specific speed work can be incorporated as supersets to the strength work, enhancing neuromuscular adaptations even further i.e. Fast bag work after working the bench press (Similar to week 4)

(2 weeks prior to the fight the strength work is going to drop off and more speed work will be implemented)

4 Week Cycle – Designed as an add on to compliment your current training regime:

  • Week 1: Strength work at 65-70% of 1RM followed by high rep/low weight, explosive conditioning work (RPE scale used for conditioning work with resistance)
  • Week 2: Strength work at 75-80% of 1RM followed by moderate rep/weight, explosive conditioning work (RPE scale used for conditioning work with resistance)
  • Week 3: Strength work at 85-90% of 1RM followed by low rep/high weight, explosive conditioning work (RPE scale used for conditioning work with resistance)
  • Week 4: Strength work at 80-90% of 1RM – Each strength set is supersetted with low rep/high weight, explosive conditioning work (This can be repeated for 2 weeks)

Week 1: All Strength exercises done at  65-70% of 1RM (Rep Max) – 6 Reps – 4 sets – 120-150 seconds rest between sets

Day 1: Strength work – Deadlift

Conditioning & Power work:

Kneeling position to High Pull: Weight – 20-40kg – 3 sets of 10 reps – 90 seconds rest between sets (From kneeling position, wide grip on bar, explosively jump onto feet, pull bar up explosively into full high pull)

Hanging High Pull: Weight – Olympic Bar Only (10-20kg) – 2 sets of 20 reps – 60 seconds rest between sets (Wide grip on bar, from standing position, hinge at the hips sliding the bar down the thighs to just above the knee and then explosively pull the bar up into a high pull position)

Day 2: Strength work – Bench Press

Conditioning & Power work:

Explosive Hand Release Press Ups – 3 sets of 20 reps – 90 seconds rest between sets

Chest to Ground Burpees – 2 sets of 20 reps – 60 seconds rest between sets

Day 3: Strength work –  Back Squat

Conditioning & Power work:

Kettlebell Swings: Weight – 16-24kg –  3 sets of 20 reps – 90 seconds rest between sets

Jump Squat / Jump Lunge Super set – 2 sets of 10 reps each exercise – 60 seconds rest between sets

Day 4:  Rest

Day 5: Strength Work –  Bent Over Row

Conditioning & Power work:

Pendlay Rows: Weight – 60% of what you were using on the bent of row – 3 sets of 20 reps – 90 seconds rest between sets (Explosive bent over row from the floor – Dead weight)

Explosive single arm rows: 12-20kg Dumbbell – 2 sets of 20 rows each arm – 60 seconds rest between sets (Use bench)

Day 6: Strength work –  Front Squat/Zercher Squat

Conditioning & Power work:

Goblet Box Squats with Jump: Weight 5-12kg – 3 sets of 20 reps – 90 seconds rest between sets (Weight held up at chest, sit on box/truck tyre/bench then explode up into a vertical jump before squatting back into the seated position)

Broad Jumps – 2 sets of 20 reps – 60 seconds rest between sets

Day 7: Strength Work –  Military Press (Strict Shoulder Press)

Conditioning & Power work:

Push Press: Weight 80% of what you were using on the Military Press – 3 sets of 20 reps – 90 seconds rest between sets

Wall Balls: Weight – 5-10kg – 2 sets of 20 reps – 60 seconds rest between sets (Utilising squat to throw ball vertically against a wall – Minimum 10ft height)

(Rest from after each 3rd day)

Week 2: All Strength exercises done at  75-80% of 1RM (Rep Max) – 4 Reps – 5 sets – 150-180 seconds rest between sets

  • All Strength exercises stay the same
  • 1st explosive conditioning exercise drops to half the origional reps (Weight increases according to RPE (Rate of perceived Exhaustion)
  • 2nd explosive conditioning exercise remains the same

Week 3: All Strength exercises done at  85-90% of 1RM (Rep Max) – 2-3 Reps – 6 sets – 180-210 seconds rest between sets

All Strength exercises stay the same

  • 1st explosive conditioning exercise drops from Half the original reps to 2-4 reps (Weight increases according to RPE (Rate of perceived Exhaustion)
  • 2nd explosive conditioning exercise drop to half the reps – Rest period drops from 60 seconds to 30 seconds

Week 4: All Strength exercises done at  80-90% of 1RM (Rep Max) – 2-3 Reps – 5 sets – 180-210 seconds rest between supersets

  • All Strength exercises stay the same however each set is instantly supersetted with the 1st conditioning exercises for 2-4 reps
  • 2nd explosive conditioning exercise remain at half the original reps – Rest period reduces to 15 seconds (These are carried out after the 5 strength supersets are completed.

(This week can be repeated for 2 weeks)

Train Like an Athlete… Eat Like a Nutritionist!