5S-StrengthNext training week fire these assessments of lower body and upper body strength, core strength and endurance, anaerobic capacity and lower body power to see where your at and how you shape up!


Monday : Bench Press 1RM. Front Squat 1RM. Max Pull Ups (3 attempts)

Tuesday : Back Squat 1RM. 2.4KM Best Effort Row. Max Dips (3 attempts)

Wednesday : Off

Thursday : Deadlift 1RM. Barbell Glute Bridge 1RM. 100M Sprint x 10 (Record best and worst times)

Friday : Strict Press 1RM. Max Hold Plank. Bleep Test.

Try it see how it goes, everyone needs a man test from time to time, lets you know how your trainings going. There are many apps you can get on android and IOS for the bleep test for free, the rest of it should be simple enough. Enjoy!!